E-mailing B to B à l’international
8 mars 2014
Le nouveau pari de Novatis
Le nouveau pari de Novatis
2 août 2014

5 steps to create a strong effective emailing campaign

A strong emailing campaign is highly needed nowadays in marketing for the success of any online business. Properly executed, an emailing campaign can reach thousands of potential customers without having to spend a fortune on it. Therefore it is considered as a low cost marketing technique.

When done effectively, a solid emailing campaign can bring a high rate of investment (ROI).

Here are 5 recommended steps to help you create your emailing campaign perfectly:

1-Determine the purpose of your emailing campaign:

For undertaking such a project include introducing a new product or service, offering discounts to boost sales or to move excess products, or further constructing your brand and getting your name out to more and more potential buyers.

2-Put together a mailing list of possible customers:

Campaign’s success rests on the extent of customers it can reach; this is a key step in how to create a strong emailing campaign.

3-Decide which of the 2 main types of email campaigns you want to utilize:

Promotions and newsletters are the most popular email campaigns. A promotion advertises your product or service and typically involves a special deal or discount to email recipients. Promotions are less frequently sent out than newsletters, which are a regular form of communication that keeps your customer base informed of new products, offers, and company news.

4-design the components of your email:

You can use different approaches of design. You can present your email with a standard-style artwork that is simple in appearance and form and straightforward in approach. Alternately, you can design a more eye-catching campaign, using HyperText Markup Language (HTML) or special design software to craft original styles that can present your company or service in a unique manner.

5-Draw your customers in from the very beginning:

Use a ‘’hook’’ to appeal to your readers and grab their attention the second they open the email. This might include posing a question, the use of memorable language or the promise of a discount.


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